View characters, access the Auction House, and more from your mobile device.
The World of Warcraft Mobile Armory lets you stay connected to aspects of World of Warcraft even when you're not logged in to the game. You can view all of your characters (along with their stats and equipment); use the Auction House; search for characters, items, and guilds; chat with your guild; and more, all from your Android mobile device.
Characters and Events
* View all of your World of Warcraft characters, along with their stats, equipment, achievement, and more.
* Access key guild stats, your in-game calendar, and other informational and planning tools.
* Browse the full complement of items available in the game and use the talent calculator to decide the best spec for your character.
Remote Guild Chat
* Participate in guild chat and officer chat.
* Initiate one-on-one conversations with fellow guild members.
For more information, visit the World of Warcraft Mobile Armory website at https://blizzard.com/support/article/33750.
For support, contact us through our Mobile Bug Report Forum: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/2690193/
Airtime or Wi-Fi connection is required for use. Please note that you must have a World of Warcraft account or Blizzard account to log in to and use this application. To create a Blizzard account, go to www.blizzard.com. You can try World of Warcraft free at www.warcraft.com.
Языки поддерживаются:
* Английский
* Франсаис
* Deutsch
* Español (Latinoamérica)
* Español (Europa)
* Итальян
* Португас
* Ruskyй
* 한국어 (Korean)
* 简体中文 (упрощенный китайский)
* 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
©2018 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. World of Warcraft is a registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., in the US, and/or other countries.
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